The Bhagavad Gita in one paragraph

Do your duty.
Don’t know what your duty is?
Ask your heart.
Follow no authority but your heart.
Can’t hear your heart?
Get away from everything that makes more noise than your heart.

……… in a nutshell!

The Bhagavad Gita sat on my bookshelf for a long time before I was brave enough to read it. I had picked it up once and was put off by the lists of mega-syllabic Indian names at the beginning of the text. As it happened, my fears were unfounded: once I made it past the roll call in the opening pages, the Gita charmed me completely. I recommend it to anybody.

The message above is what I took home from my first reading of this lovely text. Maybe you get something different (…do tell!). If you are looking for a good read, try it; it’s not that long.

It’s a conversation that takes place between the young warrior Arjuna, and Krishna, as Arjuna’s charioteer, as they are just about to plunge into battle against an army that includes members of Arjuna’s own family. Arjuna is in crisis: he doesn’t know whether the right thing to do is to fight or abstain. The two discuss the meaning of life, from a whole bunch of different perspectives; along the way Arjuna sees God and figures out what to do.