memento mori and eternal life

memento mori and eternal life

a thought experiment

why are you here?
what should you do?
how can you see past your hurts and your wants and your worries to do the right thing?

what if you weren’t here at all?

what if you had already passed, and the world kept on going without you, as it was always bound to do?

what would you want for that world?

miracle of miracles, today you have a gift of one extra day you can give.
how can a person who isn’t here manifest action in the world?
that’s the miracle, that though you’re not here, here you are. whatever shape this day may take, you can still give to it.

all there is is this magnificent all that is.
amazing that it’s still so beautiful, so storm-tossed, so heartbreaking, without you, but it is!

and since you are already gone, you are already becoming acquainted with the world beyond, that which isn’t yours and never was, but which bears your stamp indelibly, always visible there in the big long view, a complex flower in a seemingly endless field.

this your world will not change at all when the gifts of days run out, because you loved it from the outside and all your love remains.
where you cursed the world, the scars are there in their time, eternally;
the fruits of your gifts are also there in their time, eternally.

how blessed you are to have died and embarked on eternal life before the days of your influence came to an end.


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