One thing is not going to happen

Perfect parents are not going to appear to us in our adulthood, healing us of all the wounds we suffered in childhood, picking us up and providing for every one of our needs for the rest of our lives.


The promise of Christianity seems to be exactly that: a Heavenly Father who cares, provides, disciplines and educates in His ways. I find it hard not to sympathize with those who see this as the ultimate wish-fulfillment fantasy, right up there with life after death. But if it works? What is the cost to find out? We are told that the cost is to love the creator of all that is with all our heart, soul, mind and strength. And if by doing so, we find that all our needs truly are met, is the cost too high? We don’t want to become slaves to dogma. We are asked to become slaves only to love. Could we imagine a better master?

It seems like a better plan of action than sitting around sulking and waiting for the great Parental Apology and Amends anyway… that one hasn’t worked out too well for me so far.